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Immerse yourself in the second part of my conversation with Ryan James as we explore the profound shifts required for truly regenerative work.

Today, we delve into the interconnectedness of all things and challenge the compartmentalised thinking that often keeps us stuck in unsustainable patterns.

Ryan invites us to:

  • Reconsider our relationship with common terms like "regenerative" and "circular economy"

  • Embrace the discomfort of change as we align our work (and lifestyles) with planetary needs

  • Reconnect with the elements that sustain us, starting with a powerful daily practice

We discuss the importance of "re-association" – remembering our connection to the earth and all its systems. This process involves:

1. Examining our surroundings

  • Tracing the origins of objects in our daily lives

  • Acknowledging the hidden impacts of our choices

2. Embracing grief as a catalyst

  • Allowing ourselves to feel deeply about the state of the world

  • Using this emotional awareness to fuel positive change

3. Shifting our perspective on success

  • Moving away from the "ladder" mentality of constant upward growth

  • Reconnecting with the earth as a source of wisdom and nourishment

For those feeling the call to more purposeful work, this episode offers an Earth-rooted perspective on what that journey might entail. It's not just about finding a new job – it's about fundamentally reshaping our relationship with the world around us.

Learn more about Ryan's transformative work at

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Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.