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Aloha! Welcome to Pacific Leaders Today, a podcast from the East-West Center, dedicated to young leaders from the Pacific. This portion of the series focuses on alumni of the Pacific Islands Leadership Program (PILP),  an EWC program that seeks to build leaders dedicated to shaping the future prosperity of the Pacific region by taking informed, effective action, and is funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA).

For this episode,  I’m having a conversation with Landisang Kotaro, from Palau. Landi is the current chief of staff of the President of Palau. From this unique perspective, and her already impressive career, Landi shares with us her vision on the future of the Pacific and the need for leaders from the region to step up, take action and mostly to do what is right for their communities and for the region to build a stronger and more resilient Pacific region.

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.