Show cover

After working for a year in broadcast journalism at the news channel Mirror Now, Shreya Raman started digging into data to unearth stories. She spent three years as a reporter with IndiaSpend, the first data journalism initiative in India, then almost a year as a data analyst with India Migration Now, a research, data and media agency.

Living between Mumbai and Goa, she now reports independently (BehanBox, IndiaSpend, FT, Nikkei Asia…) on a variety of subjects “at the intersection of gender, caste and disability.” 

In this conversation, we talk about — you guessed it — data, but also the lack of it when it comes to women’s and girls’ lives, or what is called the gender data gap. Shreya Raman also shares some of the things she has learned while working with data, which might be useful especially to journalists who aren’t data specialists (so… most of us).

Hosted by Ausha. See for more information.