Raise your virtual hand if you think you've ever worked in a toxic culture or for a toxic leader..?
This week on Leading with Integrity, I'm joined by Impact Leadership Strategist Kelsey Neff and we'll be getting into the complexities of toxic work environments, the warning signs and red flags to watch out for, the impact on personal lives, and the role of leadership in fostering a healthy workplace culture.
Kelsey shares her journey from the non-profit sector to consulting, and we hear why creating safe and supportive work environments is so important. We also talk productivity and well-being, why they're connected and how leaders & business owners can achieve success by focusing on them.
It's a great conversation about the changing landscape of leadership, productivity, and emotional intelligence in the modern workplace. Thanks again, Kelsey!
Thanks for listening/watching this episode of Leading with integrity: Leadership talk. Don't forget to visit www.leadingwithintegrity.co.uk and click the green button to sign up for the LWI: Integrity Leaders community, don't forget the discount code: HALFOFF24
Or contact me directly with any questions: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidhatch-leadernotaboss/
To learn more about Kelsey, her work, and her book, check out these links:
#ToxicWorkCulture #EmployeeWellbeing #LeaderNotABoss #LeadingWithIntegrity #LeadershipPodcasts #LeadershipPodcast
The Leading with integrity: Leadership talk Podcast, hosted by David Hatch. Distributed on all major podcast platforms by Ausha.co
Happier teams are more productive teams. More productive teams make more successful businesses. If you want to be a better leader, or are struggling with engagement, happiness, or productivity 'challenges', then get in touch with David today and see how Leading with integrity can change your career, you'll find his LinkedIn profile above! Be a Leader, Not A Boss.
Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.