The link between age, career progression and gender diversity may seem complex at first glance. However, behind this apparent complexity there are crucial and very real societal issues.
At Happy Men & Women Share More, we have explored at length the organisational rules that mean that women today do not have exactly the same opportunities as men to progress within companies. More rarely have we explored the parameter of age, which makes the equation even more complex!
This is why, in this podcast, we have crossed the themes of gender and age, to highlight a dual mechanism that is particularly disadvantageous for women, but also for people over 50 in companies.
This will be our common thread throughout this podcast. To answer this question, we will look at :
Firstly, what are the standards that still govern career development in companies?
Next, we will see that these norms actually run counter to current societal trends.
Finally, we will share best practices for imagining new possibilities in terms of age and career in companies.
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