The UN report published in April 2023 on the current state of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) reveals that only 12% of these goals are on track to be achieved. In an increasingly complex world, achieving these SDGs requires close cooperation between various players, of which public development banks play a key role.
We are interested in understanding the concrete actions implemented by these banks to achieve the goals by 2030. Indeed, various tools and strategies exist to improve the effectiveness of their efforts to achieve the SDGs.
Clémence Guiresse, Advisor on the SDGs at Agence Française de Développement's (AFD) Shared Finance Secretariat, and Carolyn Neunuebel, Research Associate at the World Resources Institute's Sustainable Finance Center, will present the specific initiatives that Public Development Banks are implementing to operationalize the SDGs. Co-authors of the note “How do public development banks operationalize the Sustainable Development Goals?” published by AFD, they will be joined by Adama Mariko, Secretary General of the Finance in Common Coalition.
Read our publication ▶ How are public development banks operationalizing the Sustainable Development Goals?
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