In November 2022, the earth crossed an important threshold—eight billion inhabitants. Most media focused on overpopulation—when in fact, depopulation is a far more interesting problem. Half of the world’s countries are not creating enough children even to maintain current levels, while some of them seem to have stopped altogether. This is one of the most massive and unexpected phenomena of our time: how modern societies are silently putting themselves on a trajectory of stagnation if not outright
extinction. In this podcast, we investigate this trend, and try to understand what it will mean to live in a world without children.  

David Duhamel, economics professor at Parsons Paris and adjunct professor at Sciences Po Paris, tells the story of the world to come:  a childless world

Production :  MaisonK Prod

Original Music : Ben Molinaro

Graphism : Anna Toussaint 

Main Sources

Banque Mondialehttps://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SP.DYN.TFRT.IN

Gapminder https://www.gapminder.org

IHME https://www.healthdata.org/

INED https://www.ined.fr/fr/publications/editions/population-et-societes/

Our world in Data https://ourworldindata.org/
Darrel Bricker et John Ibbitson, 2019, Empty Planet, Crown, New York

Yves Charbit et Maryse Gaimard, 2015, La bombe démographique en question, PUF

Danny Dorling and Stuart Gietel-Basten, 2018, Why Demography Matters, Polity

Charles Goodheart et Manoj Pradhan, 2020, The Great Demographic Reversal. Ageing Societies, Waning Inequality and an Inflation Revival, Palgrave McMillan

Jonathan V. Last, 2014, What to expect when no one is expecting, Encounter Books

Steven Philip Kramer, 2014, The other population crisis. What governments can do about falling birth rates, Woodrow Wilson Center Press

Thomas Malthus, 1798, Essai sur le principe de population, pfd en ligne

Paul Morland, 2022, Tomorrow’s people, The Future of Humanity in Ten numbers, Picador

Emmanuel Pont, 2022, Faut-il arrêter de faire des enfants pour sauver la planète ? Payot

Jennifer Sciubba, 2022, 8 billion and counting, Norton

Bruno Tertrais 2020, Le choc démographique, Odile Jacob

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